
Defining your personal brand to connect with your audience

CONNECT WITH YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE Your personal brand should match with the style and tastes…

How to use your expertise to solve your client’s problems

YOUR UNIQUE STORY AND EXPERTISEOften times, our ideal client is very similar to a version…

Defining your ideal client

Your ideal client is often the most narrow way to define your audience, and can…

How to narrowly define your niche (and why)

The more specific you can get about who your ideal client is, the better you…

Using the Customer Journey to link your services & expertise

Think back to the earliest point that your audience may need your help. Where are…

How to stand out in the marketplace

HOW TO STAND OUT IN THE MARKETPLACE As you’ve considered your business focus, you may…

3 questions to focus on your business value

WHAT EXPERTISE DO YOU HAVE THAT HELPS OTHERS? When you are thinking through your current…

Simplify your product offerings

Building your community is, in large part, the essence of building your new business. Your…

A goal without a plan is just a wish + free goal-setting worksheets

As the holidays approach and the year winds down, it is a good time to…

10 Goal-setting tips + 2019 goal worksheets: How to set and achieve big goals

Click here to subscribe Create time in your schedule to focus on your goals Go…