Goal-setting: choosing goals with purpose

As the holidays approach and the year winds down, it is a good time to reflect on the past year and start considering your goals for the coming year.

The Power or Goal-Setting

A few years ago, for the first time, I took some time in the new year to truly create goals, write them down, give them space.

My focus was to have:

  • More meaningful conversations
  • more quality family time
  • more being present.


A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish

Taking the time to write down and make space for what I wanted from my year, reflecting on why it was important, and committing to the time and space in my life to follow through with my goals gave me newfound energy and purpose.

It was the first year I got away, for a multi-week international family vacation (after 10 years running my business and being afraid to drop the ball), which I’ve now taken every year since.

It was the year I rediscovered lost hobbies, like painting and running.

It was the year I said no to a lot of things, to make room for more important thingsto say yes to.

Focusing on my goals changed how I looked at my time, and has helped me live much more intentionally.

The excitement that comes from working towards new goals is unlike any other energizing force! 

Committing to a new project, whether it be a new exercise routine, a healthy change in eating habits, an entrepreneurial project, or any new routine – being all-in and putting all of ourselves into something we are excited about – gives us boundless energy and hope.

Living into your goals requires constant recalibration

In the years since then, I’ve realized how no matter how much we try, without focusing on our intentions each year, and making space for them, we can easily get derailed.

Life can take us off course. One day we’ve got everything under control. The next a child is sick, our husband is on a business trip, a friend is in need, and things may start to fall apart.

Our ability to balance everything is in constant flux.

We need to repeatedly revisit our goals, intentions and work-life balance throughout the year.

Ready to plan your 2017?

If you’re ready to consider how you can create more work-life balance and stick to your goals in 2017, check out the Inspired Year Planner, or download the 2017 goal-setting spreadsheets.
